Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog Post # 4

Asking Questions: What questions do we ask? How do we ask?
Scared Kid

Our goal is get them thinking, not drive them to drinking. Asking the right questions, the right way is one of the most important things we need to learn. It is too easy to allow the smart kid in class to answer all the questions and tell yourself that you are doing a great job. The fact is, if you are not teaching every student in the class, then you are not teaching. Dr. Strange has listed some great resources to learn how to ask useful questions. Here are the links to a couple of my favorite ones.Three ways to ask a better question and Straegies.

The advice that stuck with me the most was the delayed answer question. This is when the teacher asks the question and lets the class know that he or she will be calling on one of the students to answer it shortly. This type of method makes all the students in the class think about the question because they know they may be called to answer it.


  1. I like the tip you shared. When the teacher asks the question and lets the class know that he or she will be calling on one of the students to answer the question. This makes the student pay close attention to what the teacher is teaching because they know that they will be called upon. I also like that you posted the video. I allows quick access to the information you are talking about.

  2. " Straegies." Strategies. You left to the t after the a.

